One of the questions we most often hear from clients is, “Do I have to go to trial?” Facing a trial is one of the most stressful aspects of any family law dispute. When everything is going well, families are supposed to work together, and it’s hard to see the person who was your partner become your opponent in court.

Fortunately, litigation is not the only way to resolve family law cases. In most cases, Virginia divorces are resolved by settlement, and settlement is also common in other family law cases, such as those involving child custody. Sometimes, people are able to reach agreement about the terms of their family law case on their own, even before a case is filed in court. Often, however, it’s necessary to work with a divorce mediation lawyer to reach resolution.

Mediation of Virginia Family Law Disputes

Mediation is a voluntary process in which the parties work with a neutral third party, like a divorce mediation lawyer, who helps them to reach a resolution of their dispute. Unlike a judge, a mediator does not make orders or directives; he or she helps the parties identify the issues they need to resolve, and facilitates discussion so that they can come up with a solution that works for them.

Mediation can be used to reach settlement on all of the terms of a divorce, or to address a single issue, such as child custody or the equitable distribution of property. Mediation can also be helpful to resolve issues that arise after the conclusion of a divorce or custody case, such as the need to modify a parenting time schedule.

Mediation is often recommended by the court during a family law case, but people may also mediate their disputes even before filing a court case. No matter when mediation takes place, it is critical to be represented by a divorce mediation lawyer. An experienced attorney’s services can help you feel more confident that a resolution you have reached is right for you and your family.

Advantages of Divorce Mediation

One of the primary advantages of working with a divorce mediation lawyer is, of course, reaching a resolution in your case without having to go through the time, stress, and huge expense of a trial. But there are many other benefits as well.

With mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), you and your spouse or co-parent have control over the terms of your divorce, including child custody and other issues. Since you know your family better than any judge could, mediation allows you the flexibility to customize solutions to your family’s unique needs.

Mediation is also more cost-effective and less time-consuming than litigation, allowing you to reach a resolution and move forward with your life without an unresolved court case hanging over your head. And because you and your spouse or co-parent were deeply involved in crafting the resolution to your dispute, you are more likely to be satisfied with the result and less likely to need to go to court later to enforce or modify it.

Work with an Experienced Divorce Mediation Lawyer

At Premier Family Law Group, we believe in helping clients reach agreement in their disputes through mediation, negotiation, and other forms of ADR. Attorneys Kristina Cruz and David Zangrilli have nearly 40 years’ combined experience helping families settle divorces and other family law matters, including many years leading the family law department at one of Virginia’s largest law firms before starting Premier Family Law Group.

David and Kristina are effective negotiators and mediators because of their extensive courtroom experience and knowledge about what is likely to happen if your case goes to trial. They know that while a mediated solution is usually desirable, it is not always possible to reach a favorable result outside of the courtroom. Their in-depth knowledge and preparation of every case gives them an advantage in negotiations—but it also means they are fully prepared to step away and litigate if necessary to protect your interests.

Contact a Virginia Divorce Mediation Lawyer

To learn more about mediation and other forms of dispute resolution in family law, or to get experienced help resolving your family law dispute, contact Premier Family Law Group to schedule a consultation. 571-336-5263